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March 28, 2022

Deroplatys trigonodera

The ancient praying mantis Deroplatys Trigonodera

This brave male Deroplatys Trigonodera is attempting to redefine the life expectancy of his species. He is now close to 7 month old and still holding. We call this a great success, considering that in a wild they live way less.

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Caribena versicolor

Caribena Versicolor is she for real?

A young beautiful blue spider with orange hairs and some of the most unique color gradients I’ve seen in nature. She (I hope it’s a she) is growing quickly and hopefully soon will become less skittish, so I can take more pictures of her.

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Featuring Cute Mantises Fluffy Tarantulas Adorable Spiders Nasty Roaches Locust Swarms many others!

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